Learn From Me

For access to our full course, see below!

7 Windows Into the Feminine

What is the course all about? Watch the video to understand how incredibly life changing it can be for you. Then join us below.


“It was so much fun!”

“It was a lot of fun to see the different parts of me and how they show up in my life. And fun to learn how each one can play a role in my life.” ~ Shana

“It is 100% worth it!”

“Looking back on where I was 14 weeks ago, and it is so worth it. Phoenix shows up for you and the value of what she gives is worth way more than what you give (pay) her.” ~ Sarah

Awaken Feminine Energy

7 Windows into the Feminine

Register now for our 14 week virtual course! We will spend 2 weeks on each of the 7 “windows” into feminine energy. The course will help you understand yourself and other women better. All women have these 7 areas inside, but different areas are more prominent in some women. I will then teach you how to integrate all of the parts of you into your body and mind, so that they can be the tools that you call upon in any situation. Do you think life would be easier if you knew how to step into your power, or step out of destructive tendencies when necessary? Could it help you get along with interpersonal relations? How could it impact those around you? These teachings will not prevent situations form happening, but they will help you in handling and understanding them as your best self. Get out of fear, overwhelm, blame, anxiety, and depression so that you can be the force for healing, prosperity, and grace that you are meant to be!

Each of the 7 Windows includes a 2 hour class recording and a 30 minute q and a recording from previous classes. In addition, there will be weekly 45 minute group mentoring calls, and access to a private chat group for support and additional q and a!

Click below to learn more!


Daily Movement Ritual

Daily Movement Meditation – Changed Monthly – $25/month

Healing movement is highly effective and can be comforting too. If you would like to release negative energy and raise your vibration each day, make healing movement a permanent part of your routine. Join our awesome, one of a kind community! You will receive a different “Movement Meditation” every month.  This exclusive video instruction is accompanied by a weekly affirmation that compliments your specific meditation. These movement meditations have been developed through years of research, and bring you very directed and very powerful shifts. The cost is just $25 per month. Click on the Subscribe button below to start releasing and uplifting yourself through movement. See what a difference it can make!

“Dance Your Truth has helped me heal emotionally, allowing me to release, let go and even receive more easily through daily movement practice.”


“It’s a daily reset for me that grounds, releases and rejuvenates. I have received guidance, insight and intuition as I’ve done the movements each day. After a rough few days I did the new movement for the month and it instantly put me into a confident, powerful state of being that helped me feel I could move forward.”


“The "monthly movements" Phoenix shares provide a variety of ways to incorporate the movement my body loves as part of my healing process!”


100% Satisfaction rate!

Digging Deeper

One on One Sessions

There are a select few of you on here who are not new to healing through movement, through energy, and through personal development work. If you are one of those rare ones, first of all, welcome! I’m excited to get to know you more! To those who want to dive deep, I offer a one on one deep dive where we work on whatever it is you want to heal. This can happen through personal mentoring, energy healing, and/or a unique process I use of channeling information to you through dance. This is for those who are ready to shift their energy in a powerful way, and to unlock their potential NOW. If you are interested in learning more about this exclusive option, fill out the form below and I will personally reach out to you to schedule a discovery session, where we will discuss your desires and find out if we are a good fit.